Welcome to SpiritBear Paranormal
Thanks for stopping by! Join in the discussion, or contact us for an investigation.Daily Sunrise/Sunset
Current Time 03:22
Current Event Night Time
Astronomical Twilight starts 07:23
Nautical Twilight starts 07:55
Civil Twilight starts 08:26
SUNRISE 08:54 SUNSET 19:35
Civil Twilight ends 20:03
Nautical Twilight ends 20:35
Astronomical Twilight ends 21:06
Boulder, COLogin here!
Buckskin-Park County CO-July2011
Buckskin-Park County CO-July2011
Buckskin-Park County CO-July2011
Buckskin-Park County CO-July2011
Buckskin-Park County CO-July2011
Buckskin-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Fairplay-Park County CO-July2011
Recent Commentary
Paul plunkett { In the 90s we visited annsley hall,my mates ran off from me and I was alone on the lane and a voice said to me... } – Sep 25, 3:15 AM
Rona { It sucked, just watched it 2-12-21. There were a few noises that seemed paranormal, but Chad's "movie" in the movie was gross and took away... } – Feb 12, 11:27 PM
Alex Campbell { I walked around the grounds some years ago and a man with a small child appeared to. They pointed to the ground at my feet.... } – Nov 08, 7:36 AM
Kara { Why would someone choose to stay here on earth why would we not try to get into heaven? Sorry but Demons are the only things... } – Jul 17, 7:14 PM
Todd Hubenthal { Did anyone notice the skull in the dirt in the basement? Why was it not pointed out or mentioned? It was next to the recorder... } – Jun 02, 7:39 PM
Phrozen { if Amy is so real take the amazing Randy's challenge. every so called psychic or medium has failed miserably. If she passes she gets a... } – Mar 13, 1:24 AM
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