We caught one episode of this. Yikes.

No disrespect for the earnest young people on this program, but as Ryan Buell began to lapse further and further into quasi-paranormal family counseling in the original (and soon to be concluded) PS, this sequel doubles down on the whole ”helping a family in distress” routine…which is, basically, promoting and encouraging their belief in paranormal phenomena being the source of their strife, challenging spirits (or demons) in darkened room, calling a priest or other clergy in to say some prayers, and then concluding by telling the family to be strong.

We think it’s fine to help people, and we think being strong in the face of uncertainty and distress is a laudable axiom…but not much of it has to do with actually investigating and validating paranormal phenomena.

Proceed at your own risk.

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3 Responses to Paranormal State: The New Class

  1. Random says:

    Ever think that its possible this “new class” were forced to do certain things by the production staff? (guests, direction of the show, calling in “demonologists”, and how to end the episode) Dont judge the crew based on facts you DONT know. That just might be the reason they havnt returned is because they refuse to fake evidence, or act for the sake of making drama in the TV series.

  2. admin says:

    Sure, it could be. The same uncertainty exists for the cast of any of the current crop of paranormal shows. The very fact (as I pointed out) that they seemed to be following Ryan’s general investigatory style certainly suggests that the show’s producers wanted to keep the franchise alive by more or less duplicating its predecessor. In that sense, I have my doubts about any of these programs.

    It’s TV. TV is about ratings. Ratings is about money. Unfortunately, I think the whole wave of paranormal shows is becoming something of a ratings racket. My chief complaint about this (apparently short-lived) program is that it seemed to have very little to do with evidence of the paranormal. Unfortunately, I think alot of fans of these programs aren’t too worried about that.

    Thanks for visiting and sharing your comments.

  3. ivy says:

    paranormal state is the best paranormal show there is and the only reason if you new ahem new the original ps like you said you did or made out like you did you would no that the originals decided to walk away for personal thing sgoing on in their lives so talk what you know.

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